Through the years, we have understood that the internet has a significant impact on our lives. It is a network of networks that connects billions of people and devices. The internet has changed the way we learn, work, and communicate with one another. Nowadays, it’s even more powerful than ever before. That’s because it has been extended from computers and smartphones to everything from cars to refrigerators.
These devices are called “the Internet of Things” or IoT for short. They add incredible value to daily life by making our homes more intelligent, cities more innovative, and businesses more efficient. This article will discuss what IoT is, some IoT devices that are currently available, and some practical uses of IoT.
What is Internet of Things (IoT)?
IoT is a network of devices that interact with one another. These objects are typically “smart” devices containing various sensors and may be controlled remotely by a user or another device. IoT connects these devices to the internet to collect and exchange data. This data is usually collected in an infrastructure-less environment without the need for separate networks and servers.
The market for IoT devices is rapidly expanding. According to the most current Juniper Research projection, the number of IoT connections will reach 83 billion by 2024, compared to the 35 billion in 2020. This is a 130 percent increase over the next four years. New kinds of interactions become available as more items connect to the internet. For example, your car may tell you if it needs repairing before it breaks down on the side of the road.
Popular Internet of Things (IoT) devices
IoT is increasingly popular as technology advances, and more internet-connected devices become available to everyday people. You may be surprised to find several of these devices in your own home.
Here are a few well-known IoT devices outside of smartphones:
Electronic Assistants
Devices like Alexa and Google home have become popular to have in the house. They are voice-activated and can respond to many different commands. These devices make it easy to manage a home.
Ring Door Bells
A smart doorbell sends alerts to smartphones or other electronic devices when a visitor pushes the doorbell’s button or when the doorbell’s motion sensors detect a visitor.
Apple Watch, Fitbit, and other wearables
Wearable devices and smartwatches can track anything from heart rate to sleep habits and connect with smartphone applications.
Connected Cars
A connected vehicle, such as a Tesla, can interact with various systems both inside and outside the car, enabling the automobile to connect to the internet and exchange data with other devices.
Mobile Robots
Kuri is an example of a smart robot. Kuri is intended to amuse, engage with people, and capture everyday experiences around the home.
Practical uses for Internet for Things (IoT): How can we apply it to everyday life?
IoT does more than connects us to the internet and lets us browse social media. IoT devices increasingly use AI and machine learning to provide intelligence and autonomy to systems and processes in several industries. Several opportunities come along with the advancement of IoT. As stated earlier, IoT has the potential to make cities smarter, businesses more intelligent and efficient, and give people an overall more connected life.
Here are a few practical uses of IoT:
1. Healthcare
The application of IoT in healthcare may completely reshape the industry. IoT can target and benefit physicians, patients, hospitals, and health insurers. Patients may already use wearables like fitness bands and blood pressure monitors to improve their health.
Because most IoT devices gather data and store it in the cloud, health insurers may use it to monitor a patient’s daily activities, treatment plans, and even operation procedures. Real-time health data may also help clinical studies run more smoothly. In addition, IoT devices can assist hospitals in tracking medical equipment like defibrillators and wheelchairs, manage inventories, monitor the environment, and regulate temperature.
2. Smart homes
The most popular IoT use case is smart homes. Smart homes operate with IoT apps. Smart home gadgets gather and exchange data on an integrated platform, automating activities according to the owner’s preferences.
Smart Thermostats, which monitor and regulate house temperatures to the owner’s comfort, are one of several IoT use cases linked to smart home appliances. There is also smart lighting that adjusts itself depending on the user’s preferences.
3. Smart Cities
Smart Cities, such as Barcelona, are large-scale IoT applications that address several issues in a city. While expensive, the advantages greatly exceed the costs.For example, using sensors, GPS data gathering, and cloud platforms make it more simple to monitor traffic conditions, schedule building projects, and identify other routes.
Smart energy bills for homes and smart street lights may assist control energy usage. Using smart cameras or microphones to detect crime in any part of a city is another IoT use case
4. Supply Chain
When you order products online, you often receive tracking codes that let you follow your package’s journey. Supply chains use IoT applications to help vendors monitor shipments and receive instant consumer feedback through a rating system. IoT devices also assist suppliers and drivers with maintaining products better during transportation by transmitting information about temperature and pressure.
5. Safe Driving
With IoT technology, drivers can monitor their smartphone use while driving and disable distracting applications. Also, IoT technologies can be utilized to train drivers depending on their driving style.
Autonomous vehicles are currently under development. Advanced sensors and gyroscopes link these vehicles to cloud platforms and the internet. This platform allows the autonomous vehicle to get data about traffic conditions and other valuable information from many sources. Paired with smart cities, self-driving vehicles can simplify the flow of traffic.
Looking Towards the Future
Technology is ever-advancing, and what we thought was impossible 50 years ago is now at most people’s fingertips. With advancements in technology, the number of IoT devices released and available to us will likely not slow down anytime soon. With IoT devices, the future is wide open to what we can do to make processes in several industries run more efficiently and how we can take advantage of interconnectedness in our own lives.