Cloud load balancing: Comprehensive guide

With more servers going to the cloud, the way traffic is managed has changed. Load Balancing techniques have also changed. The responsibility of a load balancer is to distribute user traffic across multiple application instances/servers to reduce the risk of failures. Earlier, there was a need for physical load balancers

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Different types of Cloud Services

Exploring the Different Types of Cloud Services

With the explosive growth of Cloud infrastructures, there has been an exponential growth in the different types of cloud services being offered. In this blog, we’ll talk about three of the most common type of cloud services: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) These funny-sounding acronyms are now multi-billion dollar

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Blockchain technology

What is Blockchain Technology and How does it Works

What is Blockchain Technology? A blockchain is a decentralised ledger that is shared across computer network nodes. A blockchain helps to store data in a digital format, similar to a database. Blockchains are well recognised for their critical function in keeping a secure and decentralised record of transactions in cryptocurrency

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What's New in Windows Server 2022

What’s New in Windows Server 2022

Microsoft just unveiled Windows Server 2022, a new version of their premier Windows Server operating system. It includes the most up-to-date and important features accessible to Microsoft clients for executing mission-critical workloads. Customers can take cybersecurity and hybrid cloud operations to the next level with several new features and functionality

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Email Security: SPF in detail

Why you require your email domain to be complaint to SPF, DKIM and DMARC? Email service has been now most essential service for any business to function. It also become one of the effective, legitimate and necessary means of communication for every individual So, looking at this it become very

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The Top 6 Google Analytics Reports Every Business Needs in 2022

Analyzing your website for things to improve can be challenging. Between SEO, conversions and traffic, there’s a lot to consider. Fortunately, Google Analytics reports offer detailed insight into your website so you can make informed decisions to improve its performance. This guide will go through the six reports in Google

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What's new in Windows 11

Whats new in Windows 11

With years in the making, Windows 11 is the latest iteration of Microsoft’s superstar Windows. With fond memories of Windows XP and Windows 7 bringing a smile to our faces, Windows 11 aims to become the most user friendly and polished operating system to date. As developers and other curious

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Google Analytics

Google Analytics for Beginners: The Complete Guide (2022)

Using Google Analytics for beginners to understand how your website is performing is crucial to making changes. But it can be hard to understand what to track and how to install the tool, so it properly works. Fortunately, this guide will get you there. In today’s post, we’ll be going

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Internet of Things (IOT)

Internet of Things (IoT) The Connected Future is Here

Through the years, we have understood that the internet has a significant impact on our lives. It is a network of networks that connects billions of people and devices. The internet has changed the way we learn, work, and communicate with one another. Nowadays, it’s even more powerful than ever

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Add website to Google search

Advantage of adding website to google search console In today’s competitive world its become very essential to have your own website for all kind of businesses be it Startup, small household business or MSME, to reach out to massess and promote and sell your product or services. Once you create

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